dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Summer is here

I have my last exam today. English which I don't think is that hard. And after that vacation!

maandag 21 mei 2012

Lovely day

I just love days like this. Okay I still have to study 
but studying while laying in the grass in the sun ain't so bad.

I fly with the stars in the sky

I believe I can touch the sky

Wait what's that?


dinsdag 15 mei 2012

Made by me lace dress.


2 down 5 to go!
Exams are driving me crazy. I'm super nervous, i can't sleep and the only thing I can think of is school.
Pfffff I will be so happy when the exams are finally over.
When I took a break from studying I finished this dress I was making. It used to be a tablecloth haha.

zaterdag 12 mei 2012

Can I have a moment of silence please.

OMG! That's what I thought when I first saw them. It was like love at first sight.
I bought them at forever21 last year (They were on sale! Whut?)
I never worn them because I wanted to save them for my prom. Which is in a couple weeks.
I bought my promdress a year ago to. Same story as the shoes 
it was love at first sight.I will post a picture of it soon.
I can't wait to finally wear these shoes and the dress. I've waited so long.

vrijdag 4 mei 2012

Shoplog H&M against aids, Newlook and more

After studying all week I though it was time to do something fun. So I went shopping yesterday. I didn't buy anything recently so I had lots of money to spend. Here is what I bought.

woensdag 2 mei 2012



Monday it was Queensday in Holland! Which means lots of dancing, 
lots of orange and mostly a lot of fun.